There are important things to know after you have obtained your immigration visa, which will keep you compliant with the rules and regulations of the USCIS officials. When any of these items are unclear, the immigration lawyer Billings has the legal immigration experience to explain in detail what the rules and regulations of the USCIS are for visa holders.
The person that is holding an immigration visa will be given a passport, which contains the immigration visa and a sealed packet that contains the documents that were provided with the immigration application. It is crucial not to open the sealed packet that contains these documents. The only time that they should be unsealed is by the U.S. immigration official when entering the United States.
The immigration visa holder must enter the United States prior to the expiration date on the visa. If traveling the primary immigration applicant must enter the United States before or at the same time as other family members that have immigration visas enter the U.S. Once the person or family holding an immigration visa is admitted entry into the United States, as a permanent resident a Form I-551 will be mailed. This is known as a green card and at one time called a Alien Registration card.
Approximately six weeks after arriving in the United States, if receiving Social Security, your Social Security Number Card will be mailed. This is an option that is not always applied for when filling out an immigration application. The immigration attorney Billings is able to go over any of the rules and regulations both before and after obtaining an immigration visa. It is important to understand the rules and regulations of the USCIS. Since making errors in applying for an immigration visa, or not understanding the rules that must be followed can put your ability to stay in the United States in jeopardy.